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Business Brief is the place to be seen and read, alongside the biggest names from business, third sector and politics in Jersey and Guernsey. Demonstrate your expertise to our readers – they could be your next business lead, investor or star employee.

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Planned Issues for 2024
Booking Deadline 2024
Copy Deadline 2024
Distribution Dates 2024
February • Careers & HR
3 January
5 January
25 January
March • AI & Leadership
5 February
7 February
29 February
April • Sustainability, Enviroment & ESG
4 March
6 March
28 March
May • Technology
2 April
4 April
25 April
June • Wealth & Family Office
7 May
10 May
30 May
July • AI, Business Support & Compliance
3 June
5 June
27 June
August • Property & Legal
1 July
3 July
25 July
September • Funds
5 August
7 August
29 August
October • Tax, Trusts & Telecommunications
2 September
4 September
26 September
November • Enterpreneurship & Innovation
7 October
9 October
31 October
December / January • Review & Look Forward
4 November
6 November
28 November

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